Hey all another fantastic full length episode of regular show coming your way. Today we are streaming - in full HD - regular show season 3 episode 65 Yes Dude Yes. To keep up to date with all the latest episodes of regular show follow us on twitter! And if you want to spread the awesome to your friends click that Facebook share button at the top ^^. Enjoy the episode and see you next Monday!
Short Description:
After Margaret breaks Mordecai's heart he finds himself in a daze. Until he meets a cloud girl names CJ. CJ and Mordecai become close until he finds out Margaret is available to date again...
Full Summary:
Regular Show Season 3 Episode 27 starts off with Mordecai getting 2 tickets to see the Movie Love Bot 2. After Rigby gets excited about the movie Mordecai tells him that he plans on asking Margaret to the movie and finally making his move. But on his way over to the coffee shop to ask Margaret to the movies he finds her being proposed to and screaming Yes Dude Yes!. Heartbroken Mordecai sits in his room for five days listening to the same sad song on repeat. Finally Rigby gets him out of his room by telling him about a online dating site. Mordecai is not a fan of the idea but Rigby had already signed him up. So after a couple unsuccessful blind dates Mordecai finally meets a great girl, a cloud named CJ. CJ and Mordecai are very similar people and both enjoy each others company. At the end of their date Mordecai asks CJ to go to love bot 2 with him. Mordecai was starting to feel good about himself again until he sees Margaret and her fiancee in the streets on his way home. This triggers another episode of depression and Mordecai is once again stuck in his room listening to the same sad song on repeat. Finally Benson and Skips convince Mordecai to go down to the coffee shop and confess his love for Margaret so he can finally get closure. But just as he enters Margaret finally introduces him and Rigby to the strange man that everybody thought was her fiancee. It turns out to actually be Margaret's cousin who got a new wooden leg and Margeret was so excited she screamed Yes Dude Yes. Elated Mordecai asks Margaret to Love Bot 2 right as CJ walks in. After hearing Mordecai tell her that he never really wanted to date her, he just liked her as a friend CJ turns into a violent storm cloud and tears up the coffee shop. Mordecai fixes the situation by telling CJ that he always just liked her as a friend, and he knows how it feels to like somebody and not have them like you back. Back in her regular state CJ walks out of the store still mad at Mordecai and the episode concludes with Margaret being equally mad/jealous that there was another girl in his life. So Mordecai not being able to go with Margaret, CJ or Rigby takes Margaret's cousin to see the terrible movie Love Bot 2.