Showing posts with label 62. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 62. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Regular Show Season 3 Episode 62 - Replaced

Today we are presenting you with the newest episode of regular show to date! And dont worry its not a preview! This is the full length episode of Regular show Season 3 Episode 62 Replaced. This episode was released Monday April 16 and we are bringing it to you free streaming online on Tuesday April 17.

Short Description
Mordecai and Rigby wake up after a crazy pizza party late for work (again!) They go to meet Benson by the docks and see two new guys Chad and jeremy talking to Benson about taking their jobs. Mordecai and Rigby have to come up with a way to stop Chad and Jeremy and keep their positions at the park.

Full Summary [*Spoilers*]
After a crazy pizza party Mordecai and Rigby wake up 2 hours late for work. After rushing out to the paddleboat docks to meet up with Benson they find him talking to two new characters. Chad and Jeremy. Chad the ostrich and Jeremy the possum are two tech savvy guys gunning for Mordecai and Rigby's jobs.  Benson alarms Mordecai and Rigby when he says there are two jobs opening up very soon. After a failed attempt to distract Chad and Jeremy Mordecai and Rigby decide the only way to keep their jobs is to sabotage the paddle boats by making them super dirty. But Mordecai and Rigby start running out of time and in a last ditch effort hold the biggest pizza party ever causing the boats to get even dirtier and Chad and Jeremy to get even more angry. This eventually boils over into a brawl between everyone at the party where after all is said and done, the docks and the paddle boats are destroyed. Benson immediately comes in and fires Mordecai and Rigby in a fit of rage. Benson cheerfully offers the newly open positions to Chad and Jeremy who spitefully decline. Leaving a stunned Benson who has no other options but to re hire the king of slackers, Mordecai and Rigby.